Artist Statement
All of my books are united by my ongoing explorations into the relationship between body and place. My earlier poems address the pleasures and dangers of women’s corporeal experiences, while investigating the interstitial spaces of everyday America. These geographical borderlands are springboards for plumbing ideas of home, exile, and personal and collective memory. As a poet who also works in documentary modes, I’ve undertaken projects in collaboration with photographers to investigate social and political systems as they play out in particular (often urban) environments. My newer work addresses issues of environmental justice, gender, embodiment, and technology. I’ve been trying to find a language and framework for larger questions about survival and comfort, abundance and scarcity, justice and grace. How do we survive danger? What are our relationships to systems of power? What do we mine from the earth and each other, and what do we destroy in the process—or leave in our wake?
cover of book - Useful Junk