Artist Statement
My work investigates the complexity, and the poetics, of capturing the body in the digital age. I use a 3D laser scanner to create sculptures, prints, video and VR/AR artworks. This scanner was never designed to capture the human body in motion--when confronted with a moving form, the machine receives conflicting spatial coordinates and generates glitch, or 3D motion blur. I output this fragmented data as both physical and virtual works - they can be read as faux-historical relics, or as future artifacts. In my most recent series, The Divers, the dancers I scanned float as spectral, disembodied avatars, weightlessly tumbling through empty space. In all my artwork the human body is de-materialized, separated from the physical, and then re-materialized into a vastly altered form; mirroring the ways in which our selves interact with the many worlds we now inhabit.
Machines for Suffering I Life size 3D print (laser-sintered nylon), gesso, acrylic paint, UV varnish Photographed at bitforms gallery ny, 2018