Carlos Zerpa

Artist Statement

As people who grew mobilized by the promise of the Bolivarian Revolution in Venezuela, my creative work tends to explore the challenges and contradictions of finding meaning in a world that is falling apart. My narrative style aims to portray insightful and critical social commentary from an engaged point of view within an irreverent, relatable, and innovative storytelling framework. Coming from a critical and politically active point of view, I try to highlight underrepresented themes and characters that explore some of the social, historical, and political issues behind the class and race divide in South America and the Caribbean.

FILO is animated action series for adults, in Development. Co-written with Katherine Castrillo.

Born and based in Venezuela, Carlos is a Writer, Creative Producer, and Director interested in empowering underrepresented characters through irreverent and transgressive stories. Over the last ten years, he has co-created several award-winning street arts, editorial, and animation projects. Co-founder of MECHA ( a creative cooperative focused on the development and production of socially conscious storytelling projects. Co-founder of RIMA (, and digital platform aiming to connect Global South's emerging artists with opportunities for international mobility and financing. Co-founder and teacher in ENGRAPO, an independent public education project that introduces youth to visual communication as a tool to understand and transform their reality. Recently, he has participated in various international artist residencies such as Koneen Saatio (2022), ProHelvetia (2022), La Maison des Auteurs (2022) and Sacatar Institute (2021). Alumni of Berlinale Talents (2022), the Global Cultural Relationships Platform (2021), the Global Cultural Relationships Platform (2021), IsLab (2020), Sundance Collab (2020), Bridging the Gap (2019) and winner of ApaLab Pitch competition (2019).