Nattie Trogdon + Hollis Bartlett are partners in both life and their creative endeavors. They construct dance works, films and research based practices aimed to disrupt assumptions of performance and personhood. We use movements such as shaking as a way of sifting through emotions that are held in the body, unison to play with gendered assumptions, repetition as a way to explore the physical and mental limits of our bodies, and stillness as a way to hold and shift time. In our current dance making practice, we’re interrogating our lineage and questioning the context of dance; while highlighting larger societal themes like late-stage capitalism, climate change, decaying infrastructure, accessibility, gatekeeping, performativity and community. Asking where, why and how does dance locate itself inside our bodies and our spaces?
Nattie Trogdon and Hollis Bartlett from our dance titled o fallen angel (2022) performed at Center for Performance Research