Stephan Moore

I am an artist because I believe in the transformational power of concentrated auditory perception. My interest in the act of listening forms the basis of my work. Attention and discernment directed at the audible, to an entire environment or a minute detail, reveals evidence of physical relationships, harmonies, interactions, resonances, patterns, frictions, and the endless varieties of vibration available within the material plane. I want to create auditory experiences that alter perception, that transport the listener into a different state of attention – one that brings awareness to the unconscious habit patterns of attention itself, and that emphasizes environmental details that are normally ignored.

Stephan Moore is a sound artist, designer, composer, improviser, coder, teacher, and curator based in Chicago. His creative work manifests as electronic studio compositions, improvisational outbursts, sound installations, scores for collaborative performances, algorithmic compositions, interactive art, and sound designs for unusual circumstances. He is the curator of sound art for the Caramoor Center for Music and the Arts, organizing annual exhibitions since 2014. He is also the president of Isobel Audio LLC, which builds and sells his Hemisphere loudspeakers. He was the music coordinator and touring sound engineer of the Merce Cunningham Dance Company (2004-10), and has worked with Pauline Oliveros, Anthony McCall, and Animal Collective, among many others. He is a Distinguished Associate Professor of Instruction in the Sound Arts and Industries program at Northwestern University.